While no longer valid for accreditation, these archived lessons are available for reference.
A compounding overview (November 2023)
Mental Health and the Role of the Pharmacy Technician (September 2023)
The pharmacy technician's role in hypertension management (July 2023)
The role of pharmacy technicians in the care of patients on dialysis (May 2023)
Diabetes Management and the Role of the Pharmacy Technician (March 2023)
Hormonal contraception (December 2022)
Pharmacy Technicians making a difference in Tobacco Cessation Strategies (September 2022)
Improving Workflow Efficiency in the Pharmacy (July 2022)
A guide to Caring for Seniors (May 2022)
The Pharmacy Technician’s Role in Oncology Pharmacy (February 2022)
Understanding pain and factors influencing pain management (November 2021)
A primer on managing Asthma and COPD (September, 2021)
Cardiovascular care in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (June, 2021)
A guide for pharmacy technicians to optimize care of 2SLGBTQ+ patients (April, 2021)
The pharmacy technician’s evolving role in administering injections (February, 2021)
Anxiety and Mental Health Awareness: The role of the pharmacy technician (November,2020)
Caring for the caregiver: Dealing with dementia (July, 2020)
Asthma Care (May, 2020)
A Primer on Dermatology (March, 2020)
Pharmacy Technician’s Role in Supporting Immunizations in a Pharmacy (November 2019)
Diabetes management and monitoring (May 2019)
Communicating with and supporting caregivers (March 2019)
ADHD: An Overview (August 2018)
Management of Opioid Use Disorder: The Role of the Pharmacy Technician (May 2018)
HIV/AIDS: Engaging effectively with people living with HIV infection (April 2018)
OTC Medications for the Management of Chronic Pain (December 2017)
Blood Glucose Monitoring and Diabetes Management (October 2017)
Expanded Scope: Learning Better Together (September 2017)
Communicating Effectively with Patients (July 2017)
Caring for Geriatric Patients (May 2017)
The Role of the Pharmacy Technician in Hypertension (November 2016)
Managing the dispensary and optimizing medication management support services: the role of the pharmacy technician (September 2016)
Controlled substances: dispensing and destruction (July 2016)
Beyond the flu: factors in immunization (May 2016)
Asthma management: the role of the pharmacy technician (March 2016)
Pain therapy: the role of the pharmacy technician (November 2015)
Cancer drugs: the role of the pharmacy technician (September 2015)
Antimicrobial stewardship in community pharmacy practice (June 2015)
Understanding bioequivalence of generic drug products in Canada (May 2015)
Influenza vaccinations: the role of the pharmacy technician (March 2015)
Glucose meters, insulin pens and lancing devices (November 2014)
Stroke and hypertension (September 2014)
Dyslipidemia: Screening, management and the role of the pharmacy technician (June 2014)
Osteoporosis: An update for pharmacy technicians (May 2014)
Smoking Cessation: Help your patients kick the habit (March 2014)
MedRec Pharmacy Technicians: simply indispensable (September 2013)
Asthma and COPD Devices (June 2013)
How to Handle a Medication Error (May 2013)
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (March 2013)
Influenza Vaccination: Protecting Our Communities (November 2012)
Prescription Medication Abuse and Misuse (September 2012)
Safe Use of Medications in Seniors: How Pharmacy Technicians Can Help (June 2012)
Diabetes and Nutrition (February/March 2012)
Treatment of Common Ailments during Pregnancy (Novembver 2011)
An Asthma Overview (September 2011)
Vitamin D: How Much Do We Really Need? (June 2011)
Ethical Principles for Pharmacy Technicians (April/May 2011)
Prostate Cancer (February/March 2011)
Travel Medicine (November 2010)
Vaginal Infections (September 2010)
Optimizing Medication Adherence (June/July 2010)
Diabetes Foot Care (April/May 2010)
Combating Dyslipidemia (February/March 2010)
Tech aims to use Master’s degree to forge new pathways (November 2023)
Award-winning tech wears many hats (September 2023)
Enterprising tech pursues many paths (July 2023)
Tech forges link between clinical and technology (May 2023)
Tech finds his perfect fit (March 2023)
Tech thrives in compounding career (December 2022)
Tech pursues higher education while teaching pharmacy students (September 2022)
Tech fuels entrepreneurial passion by owning her own pharmacy (July 2022)
Open to opportunity (May 2022)
Tech gives back to profession (February 2022)
Award-winning tech finds “work heaven” at Ornge (November 2021)
Compounding interest spurs pharmacy tech in various pursuits (September, 2021)
Tech finds fit in clinical trials (June, 2021)
Educating and advocating (April, 2021)
A Career Re-boot in Pharmacy IT (February, 2021)
Missions Accomplished (November, 2020)
Tech Honoured for Dedication to Profession (July, 2020)
Mother and Daughter Techs Team Up (May, 2020)
Tech Combines Twin Passions in Practice (March, 2020)
Setting Standards in Compounding (November 2019)
Tech Finds Fulfillment at Regulatory College (August 2018)
Winning Ways (May 2018)
Tech follows diverse career path (April 2018)
Leading Lady (December 2017)
On Board to Serve the Profession (October 2017)
Tech Finds Fulfillment in Education (September 2017)
Tech Takes on Many Roles in Steady Career Climb (July 2017)
Tech Trains Peers in Aseptic Technique (May 2017)
Tech Finds Fulfillment in the ER Department (November 2016)
Tech Honoured for Dedication to Profession (September 2016)
Pharmacy Assistant Finds Fulfillment in Special Projects (July 2016)
Persistence Pays Off for Tech Instructor (May 2016)
Assistant Realizes Pharmacy Dream (March 2016)
Tech Carves Out Career in Corrections (November 2015)
Training Techs in Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished (September 2015)
Technology Sets Technician on Rewarding Career Path (June 2015)
Tech Finds Calling in Teaching (May 2015)
Tech Makes Most of Regulation (March 2015)
Journalism Grad Turns Tech (November 2014)
From Tech to Teacher (September 2014)
Newborn Passion (June 2014)
Making the Move to Management (May 2014)
Tech Thrives After Regulation (March 2014)
Finding Fulfillment in Hospital Pharmacy—New Challenges (June 2013)
Finding Fulfillment in Hospital Pharmacy—Persistence (May 2013)
Tech Uses Management Skills to Run Drug Distribution Centre (March 2013)
Tech Tackles Variety of Roles (November 2012)
Tech Takes On—and Blogs about—New Role (September 2012)
Registered Tech Elected to ACP Council (June 2012)
Tech Takes on Teaching (February/March 2012)
A Winning Combination (November 2011)
Pharmacy Technician Takes on Managerial Role (September 2011)
Award-winning Entry (June 2011)
Finding Fulfillment in Diabetes Education (April/May 2011)
An Ideal Spot (February/March 2011)
A Winning Formula (November 2010)
Making the Grade (September 2010)
Winning Ways (June/July 2010)
Compounding Interest (April/May 2010)
Taking the Initiative (February/March 2010)